Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Interlibrary Loan of the day

The ILL of the day is Moon Node Astrology. To be honest, Captain ILL is pretty baffled by regular astrology, let alone the moon node variety. All those dates and signs and zodiacs and all that is far too complex for an ILL Captain to keep track of. But the most baffling part of all is the whole bit about the precession of the equinoxes. Of course everyone knows that the earth wobbles a bit as it rotates. This wobbling, or precession, means that the signs of the zodiac shift 1 degree every 71.6 years. Thus the entire zodiac has shifted by nearly an entire sign since all this zodiacal stuff was developed. This means that Captain ILL is not actually a Virgo, as he was led to believe all his life, but a Leo!


cardboard queen said...

I don't want to offend the Captain but I can't be a Virgo; my entire
'thingness' depends on me being a Scorpio.
Doesn't Rudyard Kipling mention the 'procession of the equinoxes' in one of his stories?

Captain ILL said...

a. You are thinking of "The Elephant's Child".

b. If the listing in the newspaper tells you that you are a Scorpio, that would make you actually a Libra, not a Virgo.

c. The word is precession, not "procession".

d. Being a Libra, here is your horoscope for today courtesy of The Onion: "The world's greatest poets will gather to write about your unique beauty this week, only to give up hours later, after failing to find a rhyme for "eczema.""

cardboard queen said...
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cardboard queen said...

Leave it to the Captain to put me firmly in my place. I stand corrected on b and c. I was so worried about being a Virgo that I completely forgot about sweet little Libra lurking at the end of September and beginning of October. I don't want to be a Libra either.
Of course it's precession. Because the planets are moving backward. Procession would be forward movement and in that case I would have to worry about being a Sagittarius. I don't want to be one of those either.
As for d: while I enjoy several fairly uninteresting health challenges, eczema is thankfully not one of them.

Captain ILL said...

Sorry cardboard queen, but if you're thinking of the apparent backward motion of the planets, "retrograde motion" is the term you want. "Precession" describes the "wobble" motion of the earth like you see in a spinning top as it starts to slow down.

I'm glad to hear that you don't suffer from eczema like all the other Libras out there.

thisandthat said...

First of all, all this "precession" "procession" and "retrograde motion" stuff is making my head hurt. Secondly, I see that CQ's last comment was posted at 6:27am. Geez, I'm lucky if I'm even out of bed by then, much less on the computer. Or is that just the Taurus in me (or am I an Aries?)... I'm so confused...

cardboard queen said...

Precession of the equinoxes (Astron.), the slow backward motion of the equinoctial points along the ecliptic, at the rate of 50.2[sec] annually, caused by the action of the sun, moon, and planets, upon the protuberant matter about the earth's equator, in connection with its diurnal rotation; -- so called because either equinox, owing to its westerly motion, comes to the meridian sooner each day than the point it would have occupied without the motion of precession, and thus precedes that point continually with reference to the time of transit and motion. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.

You can see where I might have been confused; the dictionary entry I used mentions 'backward motion' in the first few words. I should have referenced more sources...what do you expect at 6:27 AM?