Captain ILL is not sure how he should feel today. On the one hand, his secret lair has been revealed, as well as, apparently, his secret identity. On the other hand, he was notified this morning that he is finally being recognized by Time magazine, and therefore the entire world, for his work in being a man. Is it time for Captain ILL to throw in the towel, now that he has achieved the ultimate recognition? Is being constantly hounded by paparazzi worth the enormous service he provides? What's a humble, yet incredibly amazing Captain to do?
O Captain! My Captain! Perish the thought of throwing in the towel at this point in your illustrious career! You still have miracles to perform, outstanding feats to achieve, ILL's to report on!! Where would the world be without our beloved Captain??
I'd say hang in there El Capitan! Just be sure to keep your nose clean (no late night partying and driving home drunk, no public scenes of debauchery, no punching out said paparazzi, etc.) and steer clear of tunnels when paparazzi is on your heels, here and in England.
jazzergigi... "no public scenes of debauchery"? Aren't you asking just a little too much of the Captain?
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