Monday, April 7, 2008

Interlibrary Loan of the day

The Ill of the day today is Trickle Treat: Diaperless Infant Toilet Training Method. This innovative title has a few blurbs on the back page: "No undignified re-learning, no traumatic accidents during pre-adolescence!" and "Less mess, no financial investment - all it costs is your love and some time!" and finally "The most environment-friendly method possible - conserve resources, dispense with diapers!". Based on these statements, this seems like a very enthusiastic book, and it's goal, doing away with diapers, seems a very worthy one. Who likes diapers anyway? Or, rather, who likes used diapers? Captain ILL hasn't read this book, but a problem immediately occurs to him. How the author deals with this problem will have to remain a mystery, because Captain ILL finds the subject extremely icky.


thisandthat said...

I love your picture, Captain! It's nice to see you dressed in full Captain regalia. Why don't you ever wear that at work?

Captain ILL said...

I do wear my Captain ILL uniform at work, but under my clothes to preserve my secret identity, so shhhhhh!

cardboard queen said...

I frowned when I saw the Ill of the day...I just can't abide potty-training books. I have seen woman who use this diaperless method of toilet training on talk shows. What it boils down to is this: you are training stay near a bathroom and to be totally 'in-tune' with your baby's bodily function schedule! Yikes.
On the up-side, anything that reduces the amount of disposable diapers in our landfills is a good thing.
Additional: love your suit. It's just so very 'you'.